Our Story.

Astora Skin is an idea that threads our line with your skincare needs. It embodies the forgotten elements that we have been gifted by the nature. Each mind at Astora Skin toils to fulfill unique skin requirements with one motive in their mind:
Make you feel comfortable in your own skin. 

Astora Skin got its roots to spread from the 2000s when the founders- Asya Elora and Jaffna Astoria, admired how their mothers’ skin felt and looked so good! They have been grown up watching their mothers relishing their raw beauty with natural ingredients that they had at home. 

And that’s when the idea seed was germinated. Making skincare products for 14 years, they took up raw ingredients from nature and added them to create their own line of natural skin care products, that go unprocessed on your skin. 

While they treated themselves with the products and cherished the results, their clear, soft, and smooth skin got the eyes of friends, family, and strangers. That's when Astora Skin got its first public exposure and was born officially. 

The journey started as making natural scrubs, oils, and hair masks as a ritual of self-love and has now progressed to a point where it’s ready to unveil those skin secrets to the world. 

Laying down a legacy of plant-based, organic cosmetics that are handcrafted with integrity and good intention, the founders swore to the Skin Gods that they wouldn’t trade quality for quantity. 

In a chemically processed world, it’s difficult to find a range of skincare products that keep unnecessary filler ingredients at bay and that benefit more than harm.  Thus, Astora Skin grows on the fundamentals of finding ingredients that crucially benefit your skin, mind, and soul. 
Every single customer of Astora Skin has an assurance to be able to read the simple, natural ingredient lists because the brand aims for its products to be used and enjoyed rather than being stored on shelf space. Intention and love go in abundance into every single handcrafted product hence, animals are not and will never be harmed in the making of the products. Integrity being the philosophy block of the brand, Astora Skin promotes loving your natural bodies, always!