How does the importance of Skincare extend beyond clean skin?

When it comes to family or loved ones, we tend to do anything when a crisis hit them. But why is it so hard to take time for ourselves? We rather put work, family, kids, and other responsibilities in front of the hour that was meant for ourselves.

And putting this hour on the back burner is why we feel overwhelmed, frazzled, and run down. 

While people see self-care as a luxury than a priority, lack of self-care can make us all ill-equipped to handle life’s stress. 

With every being reopening lives after Covid and continuing to battle the pandemic effects, we need to prioritize committing to a routine that benefits the health of the largest organ- skin! 

Adding skincare to the self-care routine delivers the bonus of providing the structure and pampering that benefits your psychological well-being. 

Skin Problems, Self-Confidence, and Anxiety

Skin is the largest organ of our body that protects us by regulating body temperature, storing water and fat, and helps us fight the sun by creating vitamin D. But do you know there are 30,000 skin conditions known to dermatologists that affect millions around the world, leading to discomfort, frustration, and apprehension even in the most confident of women.

The societal pressure heightened by social media has put us under the norm of presenting an idealized version of ourselves online. And these unrealistic expectations can cause anxiety, depression, self-consciousness, low-esteem and make people feel their own skin is an exception rather than the rule. 

Living uncomfortably under your skin is not a fashion anymore! From getting active to regularly practicing skincare with products of Astora Skin, made from natural oils and ingredients, to boost your mental and physical health, we have laid a line of products and skincare routines that will help you feel bright, fresh, smooth, and assured!

Skincare is more than caring for just Skin

When we say skincare is not just about skin, we mean the benefits it has on mental and psychological health.

Here’s how a good skincare routine benefits us: 

  • Helps your skin stay in good condition 

  • Your skin looks more youthful, removing dead skin cells with newer, youthful cells. 

  • Prevention is easier than correction: Preventing skin is easier and less costly than trying to fix it in the future. 

  • Boosts your self-confidence and makes you love yourself under your skin.

  • Treating yourself nicely eliminates the worry spiral out of your day.

  • Pampering skin triggers chemicals in your brain to boost mood. 

Self-Love Ritual to celebrate your being

There’s an old saying “What goes in your bathtub, goes into your body”. Hence, Astora Skin has developed a skincare ritual over the years that eliminates all the allergens from your skincare and rejuvenates your mind and skin. 

Here’s the magical skincare routine: 

  • Light a candle and tune into your favourite meditation music

  • Cleanse with natural soap

  • Exfoliate - scrub off all the stress and dead skin cells off your mind and body with Glow Dough

  • Moisturize to treat your body further with Abundance body butter


  • Oil - use body oil with or without moisturizer to lock in hydration

Glow like Mother Nature

Astora Skin, in its obligation to ensure long-term skin health and radiance, has laid a line of skincare products, that combine essential vitamins, botanicals, minerals, and natural oils, that can be used to restore your skin and for manifestation like Cinnamon for love, power, and protection, orange for success and confidence. We use these natural ingredients in creating a skincare line that manifests the truest intentions of the users. 

The brand admires ancient beauties for ultimate potency, absolute freshness, and complete purity, working to redefine the beauty standards of products that are good for your skin and nature. 


Apricot Oil – More than a just a Skincare Product